Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring has Sprung...Time to Hike!

On Saturday, Tan and I loaded up a backpack of PB & J and dog treats, put the puppies in the car, and headed for the mountains for a hike!  The weather was PERFECT.  Sun shining, warm temperatures, and spring peaking around the corner, perfect mix for a Saturday near the Buffalo River.  Tanner chose a hike near Ponca called Hemmed In Hollow.  The drive out there through the mountains was a trip in itself, green-ness and flowers are starting to come to life!  I always think I love winter most of all, then...spring comes and  it is my favorite, too.  I guess it is a good thing we live in AR and get to enjoy all the seasons.  Anyway, back to the hike.  We made it to the trail, unloaded and leashed the pups, and took off.  The trip down the mountain to the waterfall was so calm and peaceful.  Not another person in sight, just my family and nature.  Pretty perfect Saturday.

Making their way down the mountain.
Beautiful shot of the creek.

Once we made it down to the waterfall--after rescuing Digo from a "high" ledge he refused to cross--we  stopped to enjoy the beautiful view.  Water blowing off the top of the waterfall, pushing across the sky as the wind shifted.  You have got to see it in person.  After taking it all in, we found a good rock that made a perfect lunch stop and found some deep holes of water for the puppies to play in.  In case I haven't mentioned it, the puppies LOVE water--puddles, water bowls, mud holes, creeks...they love it all.  Tan threw a thousand sticks in the water, we ate our PB & J sandwiches (sharing some of course), enjoyed the waterfall a few more minutes and then took off back UP the mountain.

The waterfall!

Lovin' that water.

One more shot on the way out.

The trip out was one I first thought would be rather easy.  Five hours after we first took off on foot, we were glad to see the car!  It was a great hike, about 7 miles all together.  But we have "delicate" dogs, remember?  So the rather large mountain climb on the way out was tough for Mr. Digo!  Faye was a champ, I think she pulled us half way up, as we drug Digo along.  After he rehydrated with some Gatorade I had left, a few animal crackers, and some pretzels, he managed to pull it out like a "wanna-be" champ!  One major hike down, two exhausted dogs who slept the whole way home.  As always, blessed to have such an exciting and happy family! 

What a view...

Before exhaustion set in!

A little waterfall on the hike out....wonderful day with the family!

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